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Energize Finance understands that privacy is important to you and is strongly committed to protecting the personal information that you may provide as you access and use the materials on the Energize Finance website.


Correct handling of your data with due regard to your individual personal rights as well as consideration of your right to informational self-determination is important to us when using your personal data. The collection, processing and utilization of your personal data complies with the legislation in force, and in particular, with European data protection directives and their implementation in national law. Energize Finance reserves the right to adjust this privacy statement to changed statutory rules and regulations.



1. Using Energize Finance’s website without Providing Personal Information

You can use our website without providing any personal information. The following cases do not relate usage data to you at any time.


1.1 Cookies

See our Cookie Policy


1.2 Usage analysis on our website Google Universal Analytics. How does Google Universal Analytics collect usage data?


This website uses Google Universal Analytics, a web-analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Universal Analytics uses so-called “cookies”. A cookie is a text file that is stored on your computer and enables analysis of the website’s usage. This permanent cookie (see paragraph on cookies in this privacy statement) contains a combination of random numbers for recognition of our website by the browser. The information on the usage of this website generated by the cookie is usually sent to, and stored on a Google server located in the USA.

If this cookie is missing, e.g. because it is deleted after a session, Google Universal Analytics uses other methods to recognize the browser to continue attributing the user behavior to a pseudonym. These methods are also used on other devices (e.g. tablets, smart phones) for general behavior analysis of a person who uses multiple devices.


Anonymization of the IP Address

IP anonymization is enabled on our website, i.e. though the server sends the full IP address of your device to the Google server, Google truncates the address before storing and thus efficiently anonymizes it.

For details on the anonymization of the IP address see: IP masking in Universal Analytics – Google Support

Purpose of Google Universal Analytics

On behalf of the provider of this website, Google will use this information to analyze the usage of the website, to create reports on website activities, and to provide further services to the website provider related to the usage of the website and of the internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser through Google Analytics will not be combined with other Google data.


Opt-Out Options

If you use a browser on a PC, Mac, or any other device that plug-ins may be installed on, you can prevent the retrieval of the website- and usage-related data generated by Google Universal Analytics (including your IP address) and the distribution of this data by Google by installing this plug-in: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. The plug-in blocks Google Web Analysis for all websites you visit.

Refer to this website to view Google’s notes on data protection and data security from Universal Analytics: Safeguarding your Data – Google Support


1.3 Links to Social Networks

Our website contains links to social networks. The link will only connect to the web server of the social network if you click it, i.e. no usage data will be sent to the social network unless you click the corresponding link. The provider of the social network is responsible for the protection of your data within the network.


2. Processing of Personal Data

2.1 Newsletter

We will send you information about Energize Finance, events, services, and news if you select the corresponding check box “Subscribe” upon your express request or if we have received your e-mail address through a download of additional information (e.g. Infographics). Newsletters are sent by us; delivery is secured through e-mail tracking for each campaign.

You can cancel the newsletter any time by sending an e-mail to Furthermore, each newsletter includes a link you can use for removal from the recipient list.


3. Further Declarations on Data Protection

3.1 Responsible Office

The responsible office for data protection is the company specified in the imprint. The company is solely responsible for the websites published on the Energize Finance domain. It is not responsible, however, for our partners’ websites that links on our website may point to.


3.2 Your Rights as Data Subject, Revocation of Consent

You can exercise your rights as data subject to access, rectify, erase or block the stored data and revoke your content granted against us any time. To do so, send an e-mail to


3.3 Applications

If you send us your application we will only store your data with your express consent after filling the vacancy. You can revoke this consent any time. To do so, contact us using the data from the Terms of Use.


3.4 Linked Pages

The respective partner companies are responsible for the data protection on the linked websites. For further information, see the information in the imprint or the privacy statement of the linked website. To exercise your right of information to access, rectify, erase or block the stored data, contact the corresponding partner’s office.


3.5 Data Protection Officer 

Energize Finance has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who may be contacted for all questions regarding data protection. Contact the Data Protection Officer for any questions regarding data protection:



Energize Finance.

Technology Advancement Global Support Unit

Saentisstrasse 10, CH-6345 Neuheim



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